What is the price of ford srw car from 2019 year?

Here are all the cars details you are looking for.

Car details

Name Details
Brand ford
Model srw
Year 2019
Title status clean vehicle
Mileage 9235
Color silver
Vin 1ft7w2bt7kee46393
Lot 167616337
State minnesota
Country usa
Condition 14 hours left

I hope you like this article about srw 2019 year car model.

Sure! Here’s an SEO optimized content prompt about a car’s SRW (Single Rear Wheel) feature:

Understanding SRW (Single Rear Wheel) in Cars: Benefits for Everyday Use

Single Rear Wheel (SRW) setups, commonly found in passenger vehicles, offer a balance of efficiency and functionality. Here, we explore the advantages SRW brings to your daily drive:

Fuel Efficiency

SRW vehicles generally weigh less than their dual rear wheel (DRW) counterparts. This translates to improved fuel economy, as the engine doesn’t have to work as hard to move the vehicle.

Cost-Effective Maintenance

With fewer tires to replace and maintain, SRW configurations help keep ongoing vehicle costs down. Brake repairs and tire rotations are simpler, further reducing maintenance bills.


The narrower rear of SRW vehicles makes navigating through tight spots and city driving more manageable. If your day involves urban commuting or regular parking in compact spaces, SRW may serve you well.

Better Ride Comfort

SRW setups can offer a smoother ride due to less rigid suspension systems, which is especially noticeable in non-commercial passenger vehicles.

For those considering a new car purchase or understanding their current vehicle’s capabilities, the SRW setup presents a strong case with its balance of performance, comfort, and cost savings. Whether commuting to the office or embarking on weekend road trips, your car’s SRW layout is designed to efficiently support your lifestyle.

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