What is the price of ford edge car from 2018 year?

Here are all the cars details you are looking for.

Car details

Name Details
Brand ford
Model edge
Year 2018
Title status clean vehicle
Mileage 43567
Color silver
Vin 2fmpk4k99jbb06857
Lot 167775132
State illinois
Country usa
Condition 4 days left

I hope you like this article about edge 2018 year car model.

Certainly! SEO-optimized content should focus on keywords, readability, and clear informative structure. Here is an example of SEO-optimized content for the keyword “car edge”:

Understanding the Car Edge: Features and Benefits

When it comes to choosing a vehicle that embodies both style and substance, the concept of the “car edge” often comes into play. This term encapsulates the various cutting-edge features and benefits that modern vehicles offer to stand out in a competitive market.

Innovative Design

The car edge often starts with design innovation. Sleek lines, aerodynamic shapes, and advanced materials contribute to an aesthetic appeal that catches the eye and improves performance.

Latest Technology

Technology is at the forefront of the car edge. From advanced infotainment systems to driver-assist features, technology enhances safety, connectivity, and the overall driving experience.

Performance Enhancements

Vehicles with a car edge usually boast superior performance specs. Think high horsepower, efficient fuel economy, and responsive handling, which all contribute to an engaging and dynamic driving experience.

Superior Safety Features

Safety is paramount, and cars with an edge offer the latest in safety technologies. Adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assist, and automatic emergency braking are just a few features that can make a vehicle stand out.

Eco-Friendly Options

An important aspect of the modern car edge is eco-friendliness. Hybrid and electric vehicles are paving the way forward, offering environmentally conscious drivers options that reduce emissions without compromising on power or style.

For consumers looking for the latest and greatest in the automotive world, considering vehicles with a car edge promises an advanced, secure, and exhilarating journey.

Ensure that the content is enriched with relevant keywords such as “features”, “benefits”, “innovative design”, “latest technology”, “performance enhancements”, “superior safety features”, and “eco-friendly options” to improve search engine rankings.

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